Home » The end of cookies as we know it!

The end of cookies as we know it!

by Mohamed Emad
4 minutes read
end of cookies

End of Cookies is here, it sounds like the doomsday, for online advertising and the internet, but is it?
Is this means the end of all cookies? should we panic? are cookies really that important?
To know the answer to all that let’s know more about the case.

The end of Third-Party cookies

Not all internet cookies are ending, only the third-party cookies are!

The world is shifting towards more privacy and more data protection! there are a lot of events enforced this change, like the famous Facebook data breach, and the GDPR act, and more…

so you said that third-party cookies ending ha! Yes, it is ending but the real question is what the heck are third-party cookies?

What are Third party cookies?

Third-party cookies are tracking files created by third-party websites while showing ads on the website you are browsing, what!

Okay, let’s break it down, there are first-party cookies, those are created while you are visiting any website, and they meant to improve your experience on the internet.

Those are the ones responsible for remembering your logins, preferences and what you have added to cart on your favourite shopping website, also they understand your preferences so incase that website wanted to show you ads later on

Those cookies are the lasting one and not going to end!

The Third-party cookies are created when you are visiting a website like Amazon and appeared to you two Ads on the website, let’s say those two ads are for Uber & eBay.

Those two ads will create two cookies files to track your activities over the internet to know more about you and to be able to show you ads in the right places and to know more about your journey until you click the Ad, those are the third-party cookies and they are ending!

Cheer up it is a good thing for you as a user and a bad thing for you as an advertiser…

How it affects online Advertising?

Will this affect me as an advertiser?

you are only using the tools, and if one of them is not working any more you will use other tools.

In another word, you will be affected only if your advertising strategy is depending on third-party cookies only, even in this case you should not panic because the tools are working on a solution for that!

The ones who are already panicking are the providers of the advertising solution which depends on third-party cookies to collect data and targeting, like programmatic tools, and they already preparing themselves for impact since browsers like “Safari & Firefox” already stopped supporting third-party cookies since 2013, which affected the publisher and the investment on that kind of advertising.

On the other hand, Google announced early 2020 that they will stop the use of third-party cookies in Chrome before 2022, as the biggest market share for browser goes to Chrome, google already testing new solutions Privacy Sandbox tools, and also Facebook encouraging advertisers to use server-side API pixel to avoid using browser cookies data!

But as we said the biggest hit, goes to the programmatic and DMP “Data Management Platforms” which thrive on Third-party cookies.

What to do next?

Take a step back and chill out, solutions are coming, in the meanwhile take advantage of the first-party data you have and no need to panic, it is just another internet evolution coming in the way.

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